How to make samosa Indian food recepie

Samosas recepie, samosa Indian food recepie

Samosas are know to have
existed since at least the
10th century in Central Asia,
where they were known as
samsas. Thanks to flourishing
trading routes, they came to
India between the 13th and
14th centuries. Traditionally
cooked around trading caravan
campfires, today they are
enjoyed hot or cold, as
a portable snack on an epic
Indian train ride.


1 cup (150g) plain flour
2 tsp semolina flour
¼ tsp salt
1 tbs vegetable or canola oil
¼ cup (60mL) lukewarm water

2 tbs vegetable or canola oil
½ tsp cumin seeds
⅓ cup green peas
2 green chillies, seeded and
½ tsp coriander seeds,
½ tsp garam masala
2 large potatoes, peeled,
boiled and diced (not
1 tsp amchur (mango powder)
Vegetable or canola oil for
Chutney to serve

Method :
1.To make the dough, combine all the
ingredients in a mixing bowl. Knead until the
dough is soft, smooth and elastic. Set aside
to rest for at least 20 minutes.

2.In a small saucepan, heat the oil and lightly
fry the cumin seeds. Add the peas and cook
for a couple of minutes, then add the chillies,
coriander seeds and garam masala and stir for
another couple of minutes.

3.Add the potatoes and gently mix through
(so as not to crush the potatoes) until coated
in the spices. Stir in the amchur and place in a
bowl to cool.

4.Lightly knead the dough and divide into two
balls. Keep dividing each ball until you end
up with eight balls (or 16 if you are making

5.Using a rolling pin, flatten out the first ball
into a circular shape about a millimetre thick
and cut the circle in half. Hold one half flat in the palm of your left hand and lightly moisten
the edges with water.

6.Fold the semicircle in half and press the
straight edges together to form a cone. Stuff
this with the filling and close the cone into a
triangular shape by pinching and sealing the
top edge. Repeat with the rest of the dough.

7. If not using a deep-fryer, heat the oil in a
saucepan and test for readiness by dropping
in a tiny piece of dough. The oil is ready if the
dough sizzles and comes up to the surface
gradually. Fry the samosas until golden, a few
at a time. Do not overcrowd the pan. Drain
on paper towel, then serve with your favourite

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